complexType SettlementDetailsType
diagram index_p1844.png
children Unstructured Structured
used by
elements FppType/SettlementDetails/SettlementDetail FppType/Annexes/LocalMarketAnnex/SettlementDetails/SettlementDetail
Cash settlement information
source <xs:complexType name="SettlementDetailsType">
<xs:documentation>Cash settlement information</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="Unstructured" type="Text350Type">
<xs:documentation>Enter the ISO currency code (or "N/A" where it is not applicable in some CSD environments) together with the BIC of the bank or CSD and the relevant account type (eg. IBAN, BANK, CSD, ICSD) and account number (each separated by one space) for the relevant account to which payment for subscriptions to the main Fund Order Desk should be sent (or transferred within a CSD).  Where payment needs to be directed onwards to an underlying account (eg. where the actual settlement account is held with the fund's depositary, which is not a clearing bank), a second account number may be added in parentheses to identify that account (see Example #2).

Within a CSD environment, where arrangements exist for payment to be cleared through a bank account outside the CSD with the units/shares being settled through a member of the CSD the bank account details may be provided first, with the CSD details added in parentheses (see Example #3).

Example #1: EUR BANKLU120AB IBAN LU280019400644750000 (an account with a clearing bank in a jurisdiction that has adopted the IBAN);
Example #2: USD CBANUS45ABC BANK 123456789 (345123) (an account with a non-clearing bank located where the IBAN is not used);
Example #3: USD CBANUS45ABC BANK 123456789 (N/A SICVFRPP CSD 123) (to illustrate the case of a French fund where payment could be made to the US clearing bank, while the shares would be delivered from the account (123) of the centralisateur in Euroclear France);
Example #4: N/A SICVFRPP CSD 123 (settlement entirely in a CSD and the same account is used irrespective of currency); or
Example #5: N/A CEDELULL ICSD 12345 (settlement entirely in an ICSD and the same account is used irrespective of currency).
<xs:element name="Structured">
<xs:documentation>Structured Settlement Details (like SWIFT)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="Currency" type="ISOCurrencyCodeType" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Medium of exchange of value.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="BICIdentifier" type="BicCodeType">
<xs:documentation>Party that manages the account on behalf of the account owner, ie, manages the registration and booking of
entries on the account, calculates balances on the account and provides information about the account.
BIC: Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under a globally recognised or
proprietary identification scheme.
<xs:element name="Identification">
<xs:documentation>Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="AccountType" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>International Bank Account Number (IBAN) or Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) or Universal Payment Identification Code (UPIC) or DomesticAccount (DmstAcct - Account number used by financial institutions in individual countries to identify an account of a customer,
but not necessarily the bank and branch of the financial institution in which the account is held.)
<xs:element name="AccountNumber" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>Name or number assigned by an entity to enable recognition of that entity, eg, account identifier.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="SecondaryAccount" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Additional cash account details. To enable a payment to be directed onwards to an underlying account.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="BICIdentifier" type="BicCodeType" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Party that manages the account on behalf of the account owner, ie, manages the registration and booking of
entries on the account, calculates balances on the account and provides information about the account.
BIC: Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under a globally recognised or
proprietary identification scheme.
<xs:element name="Identification">
<xs:documentation>Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="AccountType" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>International Bank Account Number (IBAN) or Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) or Universal Payment Identification Code (UPIC) or DomesticAccount (DmstAcct - Account number used by financial institutions in individual countries to identify an account of a customer,
but not necessarily the bank and branch of the financial institution in which the account is held.)
<xs:element name="AccountNumber" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>Name or number assigned by an entity to enable recognition of that entity, eg, account identifier.</xs:documentation>

element SettlementDetailsType/Unstructured
diagram index_p1845.png
type Text350Type
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
maxLength 350
Enter the ISO currency code (or "N/A" where it is not applicable in some CSD environments) together with the BIC of the bank or CSD and the relevant account type (eg. IBAN, BANK, CSD, ICSD) and account number (each separated by one space) for the relevant account to which payment for subscriptions to the main Fund Order Desk should be sent (or transferred within a CSD).  Where payment needs to be directed onwards to an underlying account (eg. where the actual settlement account is held with the fund's depositary, which is not a clearing bank), a second account number may be added in parentheses to identify that account (see Example #2).

Within a CSD environment, where arrangements exist for payment to be cleared through a bank account outside the CSD with the units/shares being settled through a member of the CSD the bank account details may be provided first, with the CSD details added in parentheses (see Example #3).

Example #1: EUR BANKLU120AB IBAN LU280019400644750000 (an account with a clearing bank in a jurisdiction that has adopted the IBAN);
Example #2: USD CBANUS45ABC BANK 123456789 (345123) (an account with a non-clearing bank located where the IBAN is not used);
Example #3: USD CBANUS45ABC BANK 123456789 (N/A SICVFRPP CSD 123) (to illustrate the case of a French fund where payment could be made to the US clearing bank, while the shares would be delivered from the account (123) of the centralisateur in Euroclear France);
Example #4: N/A SICVFRPP CSD 123 (settlement entirely in a CSD and the same account is used irrespective of currency); or
Example #5: N/A CEDELULL ICSD 12345 (settlement entirely in an ICSD and the same account is used irrespective of currency).
source <xs:element name="Unstructured" type="Text350Type">
<xs:documentation>Enter the ISO currency code (or "N/A" where it is not applicable in some CSD environments) together with the BIC of the bank or CSD and the relevant account type (eg. IBAN, BANK, CSD, ICSD) and account number (each separated by one space) for the relevant account to which payment for subscriptions to the main Fund Order Desk should be sent (or transferred within a CSD).  Where payment needs to be directed onwards to an underlying account (eg. where the actual settlement account is held with the fund's depositary, which is not a clearing bank), a second account number may be added in parentheses to identify that account (see Example #2).

Within a CSD environment, where arrangements exist for payment to be cleared through a bank account outside the CSD with the units/shares being settled through a member of the CSD the bank account details may be provided first, with the CSD details added in parentheses (see Example #3).

Example #1: EUR BANKLU120AB IBAN LU280019400644750000 (an account with a clearing bank in a jurisdiction that has adopted the IBAN);
Example #2: USD CBANUS45ABC BANK 123456789 (345123) (an account with a non-clearing bank located where the IBAN is not used);
Example #3: USD CBANUS45ABC BANK 123456789 (N/A SICVFRPP CSD 123) (to illustrate the case of a French fund where payment could be made to the US clearing bank, while the shares would be delivered from the account (123) of the centralisateur in Euroclear France);
Example #4: N/A SICVFRPP CSD 123 (settlement entirely in a CSD and the same account is used irrespective of currency); or
Example #5: N/A CEDELULL ICSD 12345 (settlement entirely in an ICSD and the same account is used irrespective of currency).

element SettlementDetailsType/Structured
diagram index_p1846.png
content complex
children Currency BICIdentifier Identification SecondaryAccount
Structured Settlement Details (like SWIFT)
source <xs:element name="Structured">
<xs:documentation>Structured Settlement Details (like SWIFT)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="Currency" type="ISOCurrencyCodeType" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Medium of exchange of value.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="BICIdentifier" type="BicCodeType">
<xs:documentation>Party that manages the account on behalf of the account owner, ie, manages the registration and booking of
entries on the account, calculates balances on the account and provides information about the account.
BIC: Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under a globally recognised or
proprietary identification scheme.
<xs:element name="Identification">
<xs:documentation>Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="AccountType" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>International Bank Account Number (IBAN) or Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) or Universal Payment Identification Code (UPIC) or DomesticAccount (DmstAcct - Account number used by financial institutions in individual countries to identify an account of a customer,
but not necessarily the bank and branch of the financial institution in which the account is held.)
<xs:element name="AccountNumber" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>Name or number assigned by an entity to enable recognition of that entity, eg, account identifier.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="SecondaryAccount" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Additional cash account details. To enable a payment to be directed onwards to an underlying account.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="BICIdentifier" type="BicCodeType" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Party that manages the account on behalf of the account owner, ie, manages the registration and booking of
entries on the account, calculates balances on the account and provides information about the account.
BIC: Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under a globally recognised or
proprietary identification scheme.
<xs:element name="Identification">
<xs:documentation>Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="AccountType" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>International Bank Account Number (IBAN) or Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) or Universal Payment Identification Code (UPIC) or DomesticAccount (DmstAcct - Account number used by financial institutions in individual countries to identify an account of a customer,
but not necessarily the bank and branch of the financial institution in which the account is held.)
<xs:element name="AccountNumber" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>Name or number assigned by an entity to enable recognition of that entity, eg, account identifier.</xs:documentation>

element SettlementDetailsType/Structured/Currency
diagram index_p1847.png
type ISOCurrencyCodeType
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minLength 3
maxLength 3
Medium of exchange of value.
source <xs:element name="Currency" type="ISOCurrencyCodeType" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Medium of exchange of value.</xs:documentation>

element SettlementDetailsType/Structured/BICIdentifier
diagram index_p1848.png
type BicCodeType
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minLength 3
maxLength 12
Party that manages the account on behalf of the account owner, ie, manages the registration and booking of
entries on the account, calculates balances on the account and provides information about the account.
BIC: Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under a globally recognised or
proprietary identification scheme.
source <xs:element name="BICIdentifier" type="BicCodeType">
<xs:documentation>Party that manages the account on behalf of the account owner, ie, manages the registration and booking of
entries on the account, calculates balances on the account and provides information about the account.
BIC: Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under a globally recognised or
proprietary identification scheme.

element SettlementDetailsType/Structured/Identification
diagram index_p1849.png
content complex
children AccountType AccountNumber
Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer.
source <xs:element name="Identification">
<xs:documentation>Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="AccountType" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>International Bank Account Number (IBAN) or Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) or Universal Payment Identification Code (UPIC) or DomesticAccount (DmstAcct - Account number used by financial institutions in individual countries to identify an account of a customer,
but not necessarily the bank and branch of the financial institution in which the account is held.)
<xs:element name="AccountNumber" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>Name or number assigned by an entity to enable recognition of that entity, eg, account identifier.</xs:documentation>

element SettlementDetailsType/Structured/Identification/AccountType
diagram index_p1850.png
type xs:string
content simple
International Bank Account Number (IBAN) or Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) or Universal Payment Identification Code (UPIC) or DomesticAccount (DmstAcct - Account number used by financial institutions in individual countries to identify an account of a customer,
but not necessarily the bank and branch of the financial institution in which the account is held.)
source <xs:element name="AccountType" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>International Bank Account Number (IBAN) or Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) or Universal Payment Identification Code (UPIC) or DomesticAccount (DmstAcct - Account number used by financial institutions in individual countries to identify an account of a customer,
but not necessarily the bank and branch of the financial institution in which the account is held.)

element SettlementDetailsType/Structured/Identification/AccountNumber
diagram index_p1851.png
type xs:string
content simple
Name or number assigned by an entity to enable recognition of that entity, eg, account identifier.
source <xs:element name="AccountNumber" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>Name or number assigned by an entity to enable recognition of that entity, eg, account identifier.</xs:documentation>

element SettlementDetailsType/Structured/SecondaryAccount
diagram index_p1852.png
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content complex
children BICIdentifier Identification
Additional cash account details. To enable a payment to be directed onwards to an underlying account.
source <xs:element name="SecondaryAccount" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Additional cash account details. To enable a payment to be directed onwards to an underlying account.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="BICIdentifier" type="BicCodeType" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Party that manages the account on behalf of the account owner, ie, manages the registration and booking of
entries on the account, calculates balances on the account and provides information about the account.
BIC: Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under a globally recognised or
proprietary identification scheme.
<xs:element name="Identification">
<xs:documentation>Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="AccountType" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>International Bank Account Number (IBAN) or Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) or Universal Payment Identification Code (UPIC) or DomesticAccount (DmstAcct - Account number used by financial institutions in individual countries to identify an account of a customer,
but not necessarily the bank and branch of the financial institution in which the account is held.)
<xs:element name="AccountNumber" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>Name or number assigned by an entity to enable recognition of that entity, eg, account identifier.</xs:documentation>

element SettlementDetailsType/Structured/SecondaryAccount/BICIdentifier
diagram index_p1853.png
type BicCodeType
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minLength 3
maxLength 12
Party that manages the account on behalf of the account owner, ie, manages the registration and booking of
entries on the account, calculates balances on the account and provides information about the account.
BIC: Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under a globally recognised or
proprietary identification scheme.
source <xs:element name="BICIdentifier" type="BicCodeType" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Party that manages the account on behalf of the account owner, ie, manages the registration and booking of
entries on the account, calculates balances on the account and provides information about the account.
BIC: Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under a globally recognised or
proprietary identification scheme.

element SettlementDetailsType/Structured/SecondaryAccount/Identification
diagram index_p1854.png
content complex
children AccountType AccountNumber
Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer.
source <xs:element name="Identification">
<xs:documentation>Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="AccountType" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>International Bank Account Number (IBAN) or Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) or Universal Payment Identification Code (UPIC) or DomesticAccount (DmstAcct - Account number used by financial institutions in individual countries to identify an account of a customer,
but not necessarily the bank and branch of the financial institution in which the account is held.)
<xs:element name="AccountNumber" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>Name or number assigned by an entity to enable recognition of that entity, eg, account identifier.</xs:documentation>

element SettlementDetailsType/Structured/SecondaryAccount/Identification/AccountType
diagram index_p1855.png
type xs:string
content simple
International Bank Account Number (IBAN) or Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) or Universal Payment Identification Code (UPIC) or DomesticAccount (DmstAcct - Account number used by financial institutions in individual countries to identify an account of a customer,
but not necessarily the bank and branch of the financial institution in which the account is held.)
source <xs:element name="AccountType" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>International Bank Account Number (IBAN) or Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) or Universal Payment Identification Code (UPIC) or DomesticAccount (DmstAcct - Account number used by financial institutions in individual countries to identify an account of a customer,
but not necessarily the bank and branch of the financial institution in which the account is held.)

element SettlementDetailsType/Structured/SecondaryAccount/Identification/AccountNumber
diagram index_p1856.png
type xs:string
content simple
Name or number assigned by an entity to enable recognition of that entity, eg, account identifier.
source <xs:element name="AccountNumber" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>Name or number assigned by an entity to enable recognition of that entity, eg, account identifier.</xs:documentation>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor