complexType SIISecurityCodificationType
diagram index_p2114.png
children CodificationSystem Code
used by
elements SIIPositionType/InstrumentCode SIIPositionType/DerivativeOrConvertible/UnderlyingInstrument/InstrumentCode SolvencyIIPortfolioType/PortfolioID
CodificationSystem (restricted list for Securities) and Code expressed in CodificationSystem
source <xs:complexType name="SIISecurityCodificationType">
<xs:documentation>CodificationSystem (restricted list for Securities) and Code expressed in CodificationSystem</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="CodificationSystem">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Codification system used.
Integer corresponding to the following closed list:
1 - ISO 6166 for ISIN code
2 - CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)
3 - SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)
4 – WKN (Wertpapier Kenn-Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)
5 - Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)
6 - BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)
7 - Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)
8 – FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)
9 - Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies
99 - Code attributed by the undertaking
<xs:restriction base="xs:short">
<xs:minInclusive value="1"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="99"/>
<xs:enumeration value="1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="3"/>
<xs:enumeration value="4"/>
<xs:enumeration value="5"/>
<xs:enumeration value="6"/>
<xs:enumeration value="7"/>
<xs:enumeration value="8"/>
<xs:enumeration value="9"/>
<xs:enumeration value="99"/>
<xs:element name="Code" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Value of code in CodificationSystem</xs:documentation>

element SIISecurityCodificationType/CodificationSystem
diagram index_p2115.png
type restriction of xs:short
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 1
maxInclusive 99
enumeration 1
enumeration 2
enumeration 3
enumeration 4
enumeration 5
enumeration 6
enumeration 7
enumeration 8
enumeration 9
enumeration 99
Codification system used.
Integer corresponding to the following closed list:
1 - ISO 6166 for ISIN code
2 - CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)
3 - SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)
4 – WKN (Wertpapier Kenn-Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)
5 - Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)
6 - BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)
7 - Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)
8 – FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)
9 - Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies
99 - Code attributed by the undertaking
source <xs:element name="CodificationSystem">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Codification system used.
Integer corresponding to the following closed list:
1 - ISO 6166 for ISIN code
2 - CUSIP (The Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau for U.S. and Canadian companies)
3 - SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the London Stock Exchange)
4 – WKN (Wertpapier Kenn-Nummer, the alphanumeric German identification number)
5 - Bloomberg Ticker (Bloomberg letters code that identify a company's securities)
6 - BBGID (The Bloomberg Global ID)
7 - Reuters RIC (Reuters instrument code)
8 – FIGI (Financial Instrument Global Identifier)
9 - Other code by members of the Association of National Numbering Agencies
99 - Code attributed by the undertaking
<xs:restriction base="xs:short">
<xs:minInclusive value="1"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="99"/>
<xs:enumeration value="1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="3"/>
<xs:enumeration value="4"/>
<xs:enumeration value="5"/>
<xs:enumeration value="6"/>
<xs:enumeration value="7"/>
<xs:enumeration value="8"/>
<xs:enumeration value="9"/>
<xs:enumeration value="99"/>

element SIISecurityCodificationType/Code
diagram index_p2116.png
type xs:string
content simple
Value of code in CodificationSystem
source <xs:element name="Code" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Value of code in CodificationSystem</xs:documentation>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor