complexType SubscriptionRedemptionType
diagram index_p2218.png
children DealingCurrencies Subscription Redemption
used by
elements FppType/SubscriptionRedemption FppType/Annexes/LocalMarketAnnex/SubscriptionRedemption
Applikcation Forms und Processing Characteristics for Subscription and Redemption
source <xs:complexType name="SubscriptionRedemptionType">
<xs:documentation>Applikcation Forms und Processing Characteristics for Subscription and Redemption</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="DealingCurrencies">
<xs:documentation>(50) Currency in which a subscription or redemption is accepted.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="ReferToFundOrderDesk" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>"YES" = Refer to Fund Order Desk, If the accepted dealing currencies differ for subscriptions and redemptions (instead of entering the currencies).</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="DealingCurrency" type="ISOCurrencyCodeType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:documentation>Enter one by one all ISO currency codes accepted.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="Subscription">
<xs:documentation>Subscription application forms and processing informations</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="InitialInvestment">
<xs:element name="ApplicationForm" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(29) Indicate whether or not forms are required in respect of account opening and/or initial subscription by the investor (YES|NO)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="SignatureType" type="SignatureType">
<xs:documentation>(31) Indicate whether or not (NONE) the initial investment requires an authorized signature, either an ink ORIGINAL, ELECTRONIC copy (eg. in a fax) or DIGITAL (using algorithms and private/public keys). (ORIGINAL|ELECTRONIC|DIGITAL|NONE)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="SubsequentInvestment">
<xs:element name="ApplicationForm" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(30) Indicate whether or not forms are required in respect of subsequent investments by the same investor. (YES|NO)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="SignatureType" type="SignatureType">
<xs:documentation>(32) Indicate whether or not (NONE) the initial investment requires an authorized signature, either an ink ORIGINAL, ELECTRONIC copy (eg. in a fax) or DIGITAL (using algorithms and private/public keys). (ORIGINAL|ELECTRONIC|DIGITAL|NONE)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="AmountInValue" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(51) Indicate whether or not it is possible to subscribe for units/shares by value. (YES|NO)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="AmountInUnits" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(52) Indicate whether or not it is possible to subscribe for an amount of units/shares. (YES|NO)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="DealingCutOffTime" type="DealingCutOffType">
<xs:documentation>(65) Last date/time at which an order to subscribe can be given.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="DealingFrequency" type="FrequencyWithClosedType">
<xs:documentation>(36) Enter the frequency with which the Fund Order Desk(s) will be open to receive subscription orders. Enter "CLOSED" if the fund is not currently open to subscriptions.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="DealingFrequencyDescription" type="Text350Type">
<xs:documentation>(37) Provide further details regarding the dealing frequency: eg. Tuesday (for weekly dealing); last business day or 15th or 3rd Thursday (for monthly dealing); 15th of January, April, July, October (for quarterly dealing) etc.
If dealing frequency for subscriptions (36) is daily, enter "DAIL".
<xs:element name="LimitedSubscriptionPeriod" type="Text350Type" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>(38) If the fund issues units/shares only during specific periods (eg. for some guaranteed funds), enter an appropriate description of those periods. Otherwise enter "N/A".</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="SettlementCycle">
<xs:documentation>(67) Enter the last business day following the day on which a subscription order is priced (T) by which settlement will be due for orders placed with the main Fund Order Desk, eg. T+3.
Set Prepayment to "YES" (pre-payment) if cleared funds may be required before a subscription order can be executed.
<xs:element name="PostTradeSettlement" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
<xs:documentation> Enter the last business day following the day on which a subscription order is priced (T) by which settlement will be due for orders placed with the main Fund Order Desk, eg. T+3.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="Prepayment" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>Put "YES" (pre-payment) if cleared funds may be required before a subscription order can be executed.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="Redemption">
<xs:documentation>Redemption application forms and processing informations</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="ApplicationForm" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(33) Indicate whether or not instruction/renunciation forms are required in respect of redemptions of units/shares by the investor.(YES|NO)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="SignatureType" type="SignatureType">
<xs:documentation>(34) Indicate whether or not (NONE) the instruction/renunciation requires an authorized signature, either an ink ORIGINAL, ELECTRONIC copy (eg. in a fax) or DIGITAL (using algorithms and private/public keys). (ORIGINAL|ELECTRONIC|DIGITAL|NONE)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="AmountInValue" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(53)Indicate whether or not it is possible to redeem units/shares by value.(YES|NO)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="AmountInUnits" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(54) Indicate whether or not it is possible to redeem an amount of units/shares.(YES|NO)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="DealingCutOffTime" type="DealingCutOffType">
<xs:documentation>(66) Last date/time at which an order to redeem can be given.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="DealingFrequency" type="FrequencyWithClosedType">
<xs:documentation>(39) Enter the frequency with which the Fund Order Desk(s) will be open to receive redemption orders. Enter "CLOSED" if the fund is not currently open to redemptions.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="DealingFrequencyDescription" type="Text350Type">
<xs:documentation>(40) Provide further details regarding the dealing frequency: eg. Tuesday (for weekly dealing); last business day or 15th or 3rd Thursday (for monthly dealing); 15th of January, April, July, October (for quarterly dealing) etc.
If dealing frequency for redemption (39) is daily, enter "DAIL".
<xs:element name="LimitedRedemptionPeriod" type="Text350Type" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>(41) If the fund redeems units/shares only during specific periods (eg. for some guaranteed funds), enter an appropriate description of those periods. Otherwise enter "N/A".</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="SettlementCycle">
<xs:documentation>(68) Indicate the last business day following the day on which a redemption order is priced (T) by which settlement will be due for orders placed with the main Fund Order Desk.
Alternatively, if proceeds will be paid following receipt of written renunciation, indicate the last business day following receipt of the relevant renunciation documentation by the main Fund Order Desk (R) by which the proceeds will be sent. 
Examples of the above would be T+3, R+4 etc.

For clarification redemption sometimes equals renunciation (UK)
<xs:element name="PostTradeSettlement" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
<xs:documentation> Indicate the last business day following the day on which a redemption order is priced (T) by which settlement will be due for orders placed with the main Fund Order Desk.   e.g T+3 settlement
period., put 3
<xs:element name="Renunciation" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
<xs:documentation>Alternatively, if proceeds will be paid following receipt of written renunciation, indicate the last business day following receipt of the relevant renunciation documentation by the main Fund Order Desk (R) by which the proceeds will be sent.  Examples of the above would be R+4, put 4 etc...</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/DealingCurrencies
diagram index_p2219.png
content complex
children ReferToFundOrderDesk DealingCurrency
(50) Currency in which a subscription or redemption is accepted.
source <xs:element name="DealingCurrencies">
<xs:documentation>(50) Currency in which a subscription or redemption is accepted.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="ReferToFundOrderDesk" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>"YES" = Refer to Fund Order Desk, If the accepted dealing currencies differ for subscriptions and redemptions (instead of entering the currencies).</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="DealingCurrency" type="ISOCurrencyCodeType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:documentation>Enter one by one all ISO currency codes accepted.</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/DealingCurrencies/ReferToFundOrderDesk
diagram index_p2220.png
type YesNoType
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration YES
enumeration NO
"YES" = Refer to Fund Order Desk, If the accepted dealing currencies differ for subscriptions and redemptions (instead of entering the currencies).
source <xs:element name="ReferToFundOrderDesk" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>"YES" = Refer to Fund Order Desk, If the accepted dealing currencies differ for subscriptions and redemptions (instead of entering the currencies).</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/DealingCurrencies/DealingCurrency
diagram index_p2221.png
type ISOCurrencyCodeType
minOcc 1
maxOcc unbounded
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minLength 3
maxLength 3
Enter one by one all ISO currency codes accepted.
source <xs:element name="DealingCurrency" type="ISOCurrencyCodeType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:documentation>Enter one by one all ISO currency codes accepted.</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Subscription
diagram index_p2222.png
content complex
children InitialInvestment SubsequentInvestment AmountInValue AmountInUnits DealingCutOffTime DealingFrequency DealingFrequencyDescription LimitedSubscriptionPeriod SettlementCycle
Subscription application forms and processing informations
source <xs:element name="Subscription">
<xs:documentation>Subscription application forms and processing informations</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="InitialInvestment">
<xs:element name="ApplicationForm" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(29) Indicate whether or not forms are required in respect of account opening and/or initial subscription by the investor (YES|NO)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="SignatureType" type="SignatureType">
<xs:documentation>(31) Indicate whether or not (NONE) the initial investment requires an authorized signature, either an ink ORIGINAL, ELECTRONIC copy (eg. in a fax) or DIGITAL (using algorithms and private/public keys). (ORIGINAL|ELECTRONIC|DIGITAL|NONE)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="SubsequentInvestment">
<xs:element name="ApplicationForm" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(30) Indicate whether or not forms are required in respect of subsequent investments by the same investor. (YES|NO)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="SignatureType" type="SignatureType">
<xs:documentation>(32) Indicate whether or not (NONE) the initial investment requires an authorized signature, either an ink ORIGINAL, ELECTRONIC copy (eg. in a fax) or DIGITAL (using algorithms and private/public keys). (ORIGINAL|ELECTRONIC|DIGITAL|NONE)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="AmountInValue" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(51) Indicate whether or not it is possible to subscribe for units/shares by value. (YES|NO)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="AmountInUnits" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(52) Indicate whether or not it is possible to subscribe for an amount of units/shares. (YES|NO)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="DealingCutOffTime" type="DealingCutOffType">
<xs:documentation>(65) Last date/time at which an order to subscribe can be given.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="DealingFrequency" type="FrequencyWithClosedType">
<xs:documentation>(36) Enter the frequency with which the Fund Order Desk(s) will be open to receive subscription orders. Enter "CLOSED" if the fund is not currently open to subscriptions.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="DealingFrequencyDescription" type="Text350Type">
<xs:documentation>(37) Provide further details regarding the dealing frequency: eg. Tuesday (for weekly dealing); last business day or 15th or 3rd Thursday (for monthly dealing); 15th of January, April, July, October (for quarterly dealing) etc.
If dealing frequency for subscriptions (36) is daily, enter "DAIL".
<xs:element name="LimitedSubscriptionPeriod" type="Text350Type" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>(38) If the fund issues units/shares only during specific periods (eg. for some guaranteed funds), enter an appropriate description of those periods. Otherwise enter "N/A".</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="SettlementCycle">
<xs:documentation>(67) Enter the last business day following the day on which a subscription order is priced (T) by which settlement will be due for orders placed with the main Fund Order Desk, eg. T+3.
Set Prepayment to "YES" (pre-payment) if cleared funds may be required before a subscription order can be executed.
<xs:element name="PostTradeSettlement" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
<xs:documentation> Enter the last business day following the day on which a subscription order is priced (T) by which settlement will be due for orders placed with the main Fund Order Desk, eg. T+3.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="Prepayment" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>Put "YES" (pre-payment) if cleared funds may be required before a subscription order can be executed.</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Subscription/InitialInvestment
diagram index_p2223.png
content complex
children ApplicationForm SignatureType
source <xs:element name="InitialInvestment">
<xs:element name="ApplicationForm" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(29) Indicate whether or not forms are required in respect of account opening and/or initial subscription by the investor (YES|NO)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="SignatureType" type="SignatureType">
<xs:documentation>(31) Indicate whether or not (NONE) the initial investment requires an authorized signature, either an ink ORIGINAL, ELECTRONIC copy (eg. in a fax) or DIGITAL (using algorithms and private/public keys). (ORIGINAL|ELECTRONIC|DIGITAL|NONE)</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Subscription/InitialInvestment/ApplicationForm
diagram index_p2224.png
type YesNoType
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration YES
enumeration NO
(29) Indicate whether or not forms are required in respect of account opening and/or initial subscription by the investor (YES|NO)
source <xs:element name="ApplicationForm" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(29) Indicate whether or not forms are required in respect of account opening and/or initial subscription by the investor (YES|NO)</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Subscription/InitialInvestment/SignatureType
diagram index_p2225.png
type SignatureType
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration NONE
enumeration ELECTRONIC
enumeration ORIGINAL
enumeration DIGITAL
(31) Indicate whether or not (NONE) the initial investment requires an authorized signature, either an ink ORIGINAL, ELECTRONIC copy (eg. in a fax) or DIGITAL (using algorithms and private/public keys). (ORIGINAL|ELECTRONIC|DIGITAL|NONE)
source <xs:element name="SignatureType" type="SignatureType">
<xs:documentation>(31) Indicate whether or not (NONE) the initial investment requires an authorized signature, either an ink ORIGINAL, ELECTRONIC copy (eg. in a fax) or DIGITAL (using algorithms and private/public keys). (ORIGINAL|ELECTRONIC|DIGITAL|NONE)</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Subscription/SubsequentInvestment
diagram index_p2226.png
content complex
children ApplicationForm SignatureType
source <xs:element name="SubsequentInvestment">
<xs:element name="ApplicationForm" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(30) Indicate whether or not forms are required in respect of subsequent investments by the same investor. (YES|NO)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="SignatureType" type="SignatureType">
<xs:documentation>(32) Indicate whether or not (NONE) the initial investment requires an authorized signature, either an ink ORIGINAL, ELECTRONIC copy (eg. in a fax) or DIGITAL (using algorithms and private/public keys). (ORIGINAL|ELECTRONIC|DIGITAL|NONE)</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Subscription/SubsequentInvestment/ApplicationForm
diagram index_p2227.png
type YesNoType
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration YES
enumeration NO
(30) Indicate whether or not forms are required in respect of subsequent investments by the same investor. (YES|NO)
source <xs:element name="ApplicationForm" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(30) Indicate whether or not forms are required in respect of subsequent investments by the same investor. (YES|NO)</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Subscription/SubsequentInvestment/SignatureType
diagram index_p2228.png
type SignatureType
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration NONE
enumeration ELECTRONIC
enumeration ORIGINAL
enumeration DIGITAL
(32) Indicate whether or not (NONE) the initial investment requires an authorized signature, either an ink ORIGINAL, ELECTRONIC copy (eg. in a fax) or DIGITAL (using algorithms and private/public keys). (ORIGINAL|ELECTRONIC|DIGITAL|NONE)
source <xs:element name="SignatureType" type="SignatureType">
<xs:documentation>(32) Indicate whether or not (NONE) the initial investment requires an authorized signature, either an ink ORIGINAL, ELECTRONIC copy (eg. in a fax) or DIGITAL (using algorithms and private/public keys). (ORIGINAL|ELECTRONIC|DIGITAL|NONE)</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Subscription/AmountInValue
diagram index_p2229.png
type YesNoType
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration YES
enumeration NO
(51) Indicate whether or not it is possible to subscribe for units/shares by value. (YES|NO)
source <xs:element name="AmountInValue" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(51) Indicate whether or not it is possible to subscribe for units/shares by value. (YES|NO)</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Subscription/AmountInUnits
diagram index_p2230.png
type YesNoType
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration YES
enumeration NO
(52) Indicate whether or not it is possible to subscribe for an amount of units/shares. (YES|NO)
source <xs:element name="AmountInUnits" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(52) Indicate whether or not it is possible to subscribe for an amount of units/shares. (YES|NO)</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Subscription/DealingCutOffTime
diagram index_p2231.png
type DealingCutOffType
content complex
children Unstructured Structured
(65) Last date/time at which an order to subscribe can be given.
source <xs:element name="DealingCutOffTime" type="DealingCutOffType">
<xs:documentation>(65) Last date/time at which an order to subscribe can be given.</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Subscription/DealingFrequency
diagram index_p2232.png
type FrequencyWithClosedType
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration DAIL
enumeration MNTH
enumeration QURT
enumeration SEMI
enumeration TOMN
enumeration TOWK
enumeration TWMN
enumeration TWWK
enumeration WEEK
enumeration YEAR
enumeration CLOSED
(36) Enter the frequency with which the Fund Order Desk(s) will be open to receive subscription orders. Enter "CLOSED" if the fund is not currently open to subscriptions.
source <xs:element name="DealingFrequency" type="FrequencyWithClosedType">
<xs:documentation>(36) Enter the frequency with which the Fund Order Desk(s) will be open to receive subscription orders. Enter "CLOSED" if the fund is not currently open to subscriptions.</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Subscription/DealingFrequencyDescription
diagram index_p2233.png
type Text350Type
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
maxLength 350
(37) Provide further details regarding the dealing frequency: eg. Tuesday (for weekly dealing); last business day or 15th or 3rd Thursday (for monthly dealing); 15th of January, April, July, October (for quarterly dealing) etc.
If dealing frequency for subscriptions (36) is daily, enter "DAIL".
source <xs:element name="DealingFrequencyDescription" type="Text350Type">
<xs:documentation>(37) Provide further details regarding the dealing frequency: eg. Tuesday (for weekly dealing); last business day or 15th or 3rd Thursday (for monthly dealing); 15th of January, April, July, October (for quarterly dealing) etc.
If dealing frequency for subscriptions (36) is daily, enter "DAIL".

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Subscription/LimitedSubscriptionPeriod
diagram index_p2234.png
type Text350Type
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
maxLength 350
(38) If the fund issues units/shares only during specific periods (eg. for some guaranteed funds), enter an appropriate description of those periods. Otherwise enter "N/A".
source <xs:element name="LimitedSubscriptionPeriod" type="Text350Type" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>(38) If the fund issues units/shares only during specific periods (eg. for some guaranteed funds), enter an appropriate description of those periods. Otherwise enter "N/A".</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Subscription/SettlementCycle
diagram index_p2235.png
content complex
children PostTradeSettlement Prepayment
(67) Enter the last business day following the day on which a subscription order is priced (T) by which settlement will be due for orders placed with the main Fund Order Desk, eg. T+3.
Set Prepayment to "YES" (pre-payment) if cleared funds may be required before a subscription order can be executed.
source <xs:element name="SettlementCycle">
<xs:documentation>(67) Enter the last business day following the day on which a subscription order is priced (T) by which settlement will be due for orders placed with the main Fund Order Desk, eg. T+3.
Set Prepayment to "YES" (pre-payment) if cleared funds may be required before a subscription order can be executed.
<xs:element name="PostTradeSettlement" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
<xs:documentation> Enter the last business day following the day on which a subscription order is priced (T) by which settlement will be due for orders placed with the main Fund Order Desk, eg. T+3.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="Prepayment" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>Put "YES" (pre-payment) if cleared funds may be required before a subscription order can be executed.</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Subscription/SettlementCycle/PostTradeSettlement
diagram index_p2236.png
type xs:nonNegativeInteger
content simple
Enter the last business day following the day on which a subscription order is priced (T) by which settlement will be due for orders placed with the main Fund Order Desk, eg. T+3.
source <xs:element name="PostTradeSettlement" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
<xs:documentation> Enter the last business day following the day on which a subscription order is priced (T) by which settlement will be due for orders placed with the main Fund Order Desk, eg. T+3.</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Subscription/SettlementCycle/Prepayment
diagram index_p2237.png
type YesNoType
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration YES
enumeration NO
Put "YES" (pre-payment) if cleared funds may be required before a subscription order can be executed.
source <xs:element name="Prepayment" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>Put "YES" (pre-payment) if cleared funds may be required before a subscription order can be executed.</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Redemption
diagram index_p2238.png
content complex
children ApplicationForm SignatureType AmountInValue AmountInUnits DealingCutOffTime DealingFrequency DealingFrequencyDescription LimitedRedemptionPeriod SettlementCycle
Redemption application forms and processing informations
source <xs:element name="Redemption">
<xs:documentation>Redemption application forms and processing informations</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="ApplicationForm" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(33) Indicate whether or not instruction/renunciation forms are required in respect of redemptions of units/shares by the investor.(YES|NO)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="SignatureType" type="SignatureType">
<xs:documentation>(34) Indicate whether or not (NONE) the instruction/renunciation requires an authorized signature, either an ink ORIGINAL, ELECTRONIC copy (eg. in a fax) or DIGITAL (using algorithms and private/public keys). (ORIGINAL|ELECTRONIC|DIGITAL|NONE)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="AmountInValue" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(53)Indicate whether or not it is possible to redeem units/shares by value.(YES|NO)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="AmountInUnits" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(54) Indicate whether or not it is possible to redeem an amount of units/shares.(YES|NO)</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="DealingCutOffTime" type="DealingCutOffType">
<xs:documentation>(66) Last date/time at which an order to redeem can be given.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="DealingFrequency" type="FrequencyWithClosedType">
<xs:documentation>(39) Enter the frequency with which the Fund Order Desk(s) will be open to receive redemption orders. Enter "CLOSED" if the fund is not currently open to redemptions.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="DealingFrequencyDescription" type="Text350Type">
<xs:documentation>(40) Provide further details regarding the dealing frequency: eg. Tuesday (for weekly dealing); last business day or 15th or 3rd Thursday (for monthly dealing); 15th of January, April, July, October (for quarterly dealing) etc.
If dealing frequency for redemption (39) is daily, enter "DAIL".
<xs:element name="LimitedRedemptionPeriod" type="Text350Type" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>(41) If the fund redeems units/shares only during specific periods (eg. for some guaranteed funds), enter an appropriate description of those periods. Otherwise enter "N/A".</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="SettlementCycle">
<xs:documentation>(68) Indicate the last business day following the day on which a redemption order is priced (T) by which settlement will be due for orders placed with the main Fund Order Desk.
Alternatively, if proceeds will be paid following receipt of written renunciation, indicate the last business day following receipt of the relevant renunciation documentation by the main Fund Order Desk (R) by which the proceeds will be sent. 
Examples of the above would be T+3, R+4 etc.

For clarification redemption sometimes equals renunciation (UK)
<xs:element name="PostTradeSettlement" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
<xs:documentation> Indicate the last business day following the day on which a redemption order is priced (T) by which settlement will be due for orders placed with the main Fund Order Desk.   e.g T+3 settlement
period., put 3
<xs:element name="Renunciation" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
<xs:documentation>Alternatively, if proceeds will be paid following receipt of written renunciation, indicate the last business day following receipt of the relevant renunciation documentation by the main Fund Order Desk (R) by which the proceeds will be sent.  Examples of the above would be R+4, put 4 etc...</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Redemption/ApplicationForm
diagram index_p2239.png
type YesNoType
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration YES
enumeration NO
(33) Indicate whether or not instruction/renunciation forms are required in respect of redemptions of units/shares by the investor.(YES|NO)
source <xs:element name="ApplicationForm" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(33) Indicate whether or not instruction/renunciation forms are required in respect of redemptions of units/shares by the investor.(YES|NO)</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Redemption/SignatureType
diagram index_p2240.png
type SignatureType
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration NONE
enumeration ELECTRONIC
enumeration ORIGINAL
enumeration DIGITAL
(34) Indicate whether or not (NONE) the instruction/renunciation requires an authorized signature, either an ink ORIGINAL, ELECTRONIC copy (eg. in a fax) or DIGITAL (using algorithms and private/public keys). (ORIGINAL|ELECTRONIC|DIGITAL|NONE)
source <xs:element name="SignatureType" type="SignatureType">
<xs:documentation>(34) Indicate whether or not (NONE) the instruction/renunciation requires an authorized signature, either an ink ORIGINAL, ELECTRONIC copy (eg. in a fax) or DIGITAL (using algorithms and private/public keys). (ORIGINAL|ELECTRONIC|DIGITAL|NONE)</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Redemption/AmountInValue
diagram index_p2241.png
type YesNoType
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration YES
enumeration NO
(53)Indicate whether or not it is possible to redeem units/shares by value.(YES|NO)
source <xs:element name="AmountInValue" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(53)Indicate whether or not it is possible to redeem units/shares by value.(YES|NO)</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Redemption/AmountInUnits
diagram index_p2242.png
type YesNoType
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration YES
enumeration NO
(54) Indicate whether or not it is possible to redeem an amount of units/shares.(YES|NO)
source <xs:element name="AmountInUnits" type="YesNoType">
<xs:documentation>(54) Indicate whether or not it is possible to redeem an amount of units/shares.(YES|NO)</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Redemption/DealingCutOffTime
diagram index_p2243.png
type DealingCutOffType
content complex
children Unstructured Structured
(66) Last date/time at which an order to redeem can be given.
source <xs:element name="DealingCutOffTime" type="DealingCutOffType">
<xs:documentation>(66) Last date/time at which an order to redeem can be given.</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Redemption/DealingFrequency
diagram index_p2244.png
type FrequencyWithClosedType
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration DAIL
enumeration MNTH
enumeration QURT
enumeration SEMI
enumeration TOMN
enumeration TOWK
enumeration TWMN
enumeration TWWK
enumeration WEEK
enumeration YEAR
enumeration CLOSED
(39) Enter the frequency with which the Fund Order Desk(s) will be open to receive redemption orders. Enter "CLOSED" if the fund is not currently open to redemptions.
source <xs:element name="DealingFrequency" type="FrequencyWithClosedType">
<xs:documentation>(39) Enter the frequency with which the Fund Order Desk(s) will be open to receive redemption orders. Enter "CLOSED" if the fund is not currently open to redemptions.</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Redemption/DealingFrequencyDescription
diagram index_p2245.png
type Text350Type
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
maxLength 350
(40) Provide further details regarding the dealing frequency: eg. Tuesday (for weekly dealing); last business day or 15th or 3rd Thursday (for monthly dealing); 15th of January, April, July, October (for quarterly dealing) etc.
If dealing frequency for redemption (39) is daily, enter "DAIL".
source <xs:element name="DealingFrequencyDescription" type="Text350Type">
<xs:documentation>(40) Provide further details regarding the dealing frequency: eg. Tuesday (for weekly dealing); last business day or 15th or 3rd Thursday (for monthly dealing); 15th of January, April, July, October (for quarterly dealing) etc.
If dealing frequency for redemption (39) is daily, enter "DAIL".

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Redemption/LimitedRedemptionPeriod
diagram index_p2246.png
type Text350Type
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
maxLength 350
(41) If the fund redeems units/shares only during specific periods (eg. for some guaranteed funds), enter an appropriate description of those periods. Otherwise enter "N/A".
source <xs:element name="LimitedRedemptionPeriod" type="Text350Type" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>(41) If the fund redeems units/shares only during specific periods (eg. for some guaranteed funds), enter an appropriate description of those periods. Otherwise enter "N/A".</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Redemption/SettlementCycle
diagram index_p2247.png
content complex
children PostTradeSettlement Renunciation
(68) Indicate the last business day following the day on which a redemption order is priced (T) by which settlement will be due for orders placed with the main Fund Order Desk.
Alternatively, if proceeds will be paid following receipt of written renunciation, indicate the last business day following receipt of the relevant renunciation documentation by the main Fund Order Desk (R) by which the proceeds will be sent. 
Examples of the above would be T+3, R+4 etc.

For clarification redemption sometimes equals renunciation (UK)
source <xs:element name="SettlementCycle">
<xs:documentation>(68) Indicate the last business day following the day on which a redemption order is priced (T) by which settlement will be due for orders placed with the main Fund Order Desk.
Alternatively, if proceeds will be paid following receipt of written renunciation, indicate the last business day following receipt of the relevant renunciation documentation by the main Fund Order Desk (R) by which the proceeds will be sent. 
Examples of the above would be T+3, R+4 etc.

For clarification redemption sometimes equals renunciation (UK)
<xs:element name="PostTradeSettlement" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
<xs:documentation> Indicate the last business day following the day on which a redemption order is priced (T) by which settlement will be due for orders placed with the main Fund Order Desk.   e.g T+3 settlement
period., put 3
<xs:element name="Renunciation" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
<xs:documentation>Alternatively, if proceeds will be paid following receipt of written renunciation, indicate the last business day following receipt of the relevant renunciation documentation by the main Fund Order Desk (R) by which the proceeds will be sent.  Examples of the above would be R+4, put 4 etc...</xs:documentation>

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Redemption/SettlementCycle/PostTradeSettlement
diagram index_p2248.png
type xs:nonNegativeInteger
content simple
Indicate the last business day following the day on which a redemption order is priced (T) by which settlement will be due for orders placed with the main Fund Order Desk.   e.g T+3 settlement
period., put 3
source <xs:element name="PostTradeSettlement" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
<xs:documentation> Indicate the last business day following the day on which a redemption order is priced (T) by which settlement will be due for orders placed with the main Fund Order Desk.   e.g T+3 settlement
period., put 3

element SubscriptionRedemptionType/Redemption/SettlementCycle/Renunciation
diagram index_p2249.png
type xs:nonNegativeInteger
content simple
Alternatively, if proceeds will be paid following receipt of written renunciation, indicate the last business day following receipt of the relevant renunciation documentation by the main Fund Order Desk (R) by which the proceeds will be sent.  Examples of the above would be R+4, put 4 etc...
source <xs:element name="Renunciation" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
<xs:documentation>Alternatively, if proceeds will be paid following receipt of written renunciation, indicate the last business day following receipt of the relevant renunciation documentation by the main Fund Order Desk (R) by which the proceeds will be sent.  Examples of the above would be R+4, put 4 etc...</xs:documentation>

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